Retouching & Image Correction

Whether you want to change the color of the model’s eyes, add extra hair, draw elements, replace clothes, etc., the Comart team can make all of your ideas come true. If you think that your image lacks some attractive elements or needs advanced image manipulation, we will help you and suggest what suits you most. We accept pictures in all popular formats – JPEG, RAW, PSD, PNG, CR2, TIFF, GOT and others.
Image Manipulation
The main goal of our image manipulation services is to take into account every little detail and carefully carry out all the editing changes regarding the lighting, model, foreground and background.
Our retouchers take care of the model’s facial features, body shapes, clothes, and hair, as well as pay attention to the background, color gamut, and other key parameters.
We know the value of high-quality photo manipulations and strictly follow our client’s requirements.